Saturday, January 3, 2009

Indonesia Photos

I don't feel like I'm being quite fair by calling this "Indonesia Photos" since I only saw Bali and the Gilis.... but then again, I don't care. My blog, my titles.

Indonesia was a bit of a surprise. Like I said before, I know I've not
seen much of the country in total... but from what I DID see, it's
chock full of natural beauty. Look at this shit! Unlike
other countries (Burma, in particular)... the people left something to be desired, but what they lacked in hospitality and charisma- the landscape more than made up for. You can also see the disgruntled Peruvian that I met on the shores of Uluwatu who was pissed that you couldn't exchange nuevos soles for rupiah on this side of the world. Uluwatu, Bali, Indonesia.

So, for the first time since Europe, I travelled WITH another person. Corn Nut. Yes, I've had people visit, and maybe I've visited others (Marcelo, Nico-- I miss your warm houses!), but travelling WITH someone... I haven't done that since I was 21! It was an experience, and really a good way to learn how to compromise after 14 months of living only for myself. It was also a good reminder that sticking to a budget can be downright stupid sometimes. Taking a whole day to cross
an island by thumb when you can do it in an hour by reasonably-priced private car? A little dumb. Here we are on Gili Trewangan, Indonesia.

This photo doesn't have much to do with anything. Krisha took it
while we were waiting for a (sorry to say this Mark, but) shitty fire dance thing to start. It was WAY TOO LONG. Normally, I don't believe in globalization, but if the Indonesians would just learn a thing or two from Hollywood about the average human attention span... this would have been half the time, and included a lot more exploding shit. Watching a lady frown and rotate her wrists for 2 hours? Not so fun! Another thing that makes this photo interesting is that it's the only one I have of Mike where he's not pretending like he's about to sneeze. -sighs- South Africans are gorgeous. Uluwatu, Bali, Indonesia.

I'm not sure why this picture came out so fuzzy... but here's Corn Nut being measured for a suit. One of about 3 she bought in Indo. One thing I really regret about my time in Asia is that I didn't buy enough stuff. I'm about to go home, and I've almost no clothing to bring with me! Crummy. Now I'm in Latin America again, and I'm hard pressed to find anything that isn't either covered in rhinestones or lace. -shudder- Ubud, Bali, Indonesia.

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