Friday, September 5, 2008

Egypt Photos

This is me at Giza. I told the girl to try to take the shot so that there were almost no other people in it, but it looks as if, for people who don't speak English as their native language, that sounds exactly like "fill my fucking picture with as many tourists as you can". There was almost no one there when we arrived, but it looks like everyone who was there is in my photo

This is Khan-al-Khalili market in Cairo. I arrived in Cairo during the month of Ramadan.... so this picture was taken during breakfast (aka. 6 something PM.. the first time people are allowed to eat all day)... very quiet, so you can see the market for how beautiful it really is.

The White Desert. I took a lot of hopping around to get this shot right. It's hard to jump in sand. There's a sweet movie I got of us flying through this area in our LandCruiser. I posted it to Flickr, bu I can't figure out how to do it on this blog.

Here's a sweet photo of the Nile from the bridge in Cairo. A lot of people seem to think of Cairo as a dirty city, and of the Nile as being a dirty river-- but, unlike the Ganges, there are no bodies floating in this one.... I quite liked it.

This is a photo of me with my Egyptian entourage. Here's the story with these guys. Hamdi (the one to my immediate skier's left), saw me standing at the wrong bus station, chatting it up with a swarm of schoolchildren who were out and about for Eid, the day after the end of Ramadan. I was quite lost. It was apparent. He then took it upon himself, and upon his two friends (seen here flanking the two of us), to make sure I not only got to the correct bus station, but that I was given the local price for the bus as well. He also insisted on carrying my big backpack for me.... all day long while I waited for my 9pm bus to Luxor. He didn't try any moves, he didn't ask for any baksheesh... he just had an afternoon free and wanted to help a stranger. Him and his friends earn about 50 points a piece for Cairo.

The Funny Mummy restaurant in Dahab, on the Sinai penninsula. I really should have gotten pics of some of the other restaurants on the beach- ones that maybe didn't have that weird red wire thing... but I think this one gets my point across. The water literally lapped right up to the edge- you could peer down into the coral as you had breakfast. Pretty awesome... except for maybe all the cats.


  1. It was worth the effort to get the jumping picture, methinks :-). How do I get to Flickr to see the video? I don't know why I'm asking you this here, but in case I forget the next time you call, maybe you will remember and tell me.

    By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

  2. Oh, boo - that posted Pacific time. Well, it's your birthday in my neck of the woods.
